0  77537  77545  77551  77555  77561  77563  77567  77573  77575  77581  77587  77591  77593  77597  77603  77605  77611  77615  77617  77621  77623  77627  77629  77631  77632  77633  77635  77636  77637  77639  77641  77645  77647  77651  77653  77657  77663  77665  77671  77675  77677  77681  77687  77693  77695  77701  77705  77707  77713  77717  77723  77731  447090 

17. What does the woman do now?

A. A teacher.      B. A nurse.          C. A worker.

听第11段对话,回答第l 8-20题。


16. Why did the woman change her job?

A.  Because she didn't like to work in a factory.

B. Because she wasn't getting on well with her work­mates.

C.  Sorry,  I don' t know.


15.  From this dialogue, you know the man and the woman are                .

A. husband and wife

B. friends

C. sister and brother


14.  Alice loves     .

A. sweet things        B. flowers          C. music

听第l 0段对话,回答第l 5-1 7题。


13. The man and the woman will buy__________for Alice.

A.  a record

B. some flowers

C.  a box of chocolates


12. Alice' s birthday is                     .

A. the next day

B. the day after next

C. the day they had the talk


11. The boy will not go because__________.

A. he doesn' t like the film

B. he' s busy with his work

C. he has to see the doctor

听第9段对话,回答第l 2--l 4题。


10. The girl is going to see the film___________.

A. tomorrow        B. today               C. next week


9. Do the woman' s family live far from her?

A. Yes, they do.

B. No, they don't.

C. No, they live closer.

听第8段对话,回答第1 0~11题。


8.  What do you learn from the dialogue?

A. The woman hasn't got a bigger house.

B. The woman has got a bigger house.

C. The woman is going to buy a bigger house.

