0  77548  77556  77562  77566  77572  77574  77578  77584  77586  77592  77598  77602  77604  77608  77614  77616  77622  77626  77628  77632  77634  77638  77640  77642  77643  77644  77646  77647  77648  77650  77652  77656  77658  77662  77664  77668  77674  77676  77682  77686  77688  77692  77698  77704  77706  77712  77716  77718  77724  77728  77734  77742  447090 

37.How time flies! Three years       really a short time.

  A.is                           B.are                             C.was                            D.were


36.-A latest China daily, please!

   -Only one copy left. Would you like to have        , sir?

  A.it                           B.one                            C.this                            D.that


35.I feel it hard to keep up with my classmates. But whenever I want to    , my teacher always encourages me to work harder.

  A.go on                                 B.give up                      C.run away                    D.give back


34.You’d better not always look up the new words       the dictionary while reading. Sometimes we need to guess.

  A.in                                      B.on                       C.at                                D.from


33.-You watched the fashion show last night, didn’t you?

   -Yes,        I missed the beginning.

   A.so                                                B.and                            C.but                            D.then


32.-Can I help you?

   -I’d like        for my twin daughters.

   A.two pair of shoes                                                   B.two pairs of shoe

   C.two pair of shoe                                                     D.two pairs of shoes


31.-Which do you like beeter, hamburgers or hot dogs?

   -        . I just like Chinese food.

   A.Both                     B.Either                                    C.Neither                                  D.None


30.-        will you be away?

   -In a couple of weeks.

   A.What time             B.How soon                   C.How often                              D.How long


29.-Mum,could I have an MP3 like this?

   -Certainly, we can buy       one, but as good as this. The price of this kind is a little high.

   A.a cheap                    B.a cheaper              C.a small                                   D.a smaller


28.-Sally, could you go and help your father wash the car?

   -Why       ?I’m busy now. Amy is lying on the grass doing nothing.

   A.me                                   B.I                                C.him                           D.her

