0  77562  77570  77576  77580  77586  77588  77592  77598  77600  77606  77612  77616  77618  77622  77628  77630  77636  77640  77642  77646  77648  77652  77654  77656  77657  77658  77660  77661  77662  77664  77666  77670  77672  77676  77678  77682  77688  77690  77696  77700  77702  77706  77712  77718  77720  77726  77730  77732  77738  77742  77748  77756  447090 

46. A. as for B. instead of C. except for D. because of


45. A. get B. try C. give D. take


44. A. feels B. smells C. keeps D. seems


43. A. once B. hardly C. always D. seldom


42. A. write B. wait C. look D. pay


In the park I sat down to read on the bench, disappointed by life with good reason to complain, for the world was 43 letting me down.

Then a young boy came up to me and said with great excitement, “ Look, what I found!” In his hand wad a flower and he placed it to his nose. He said with overacted surprise, “It sure 44 pretty and it’s for you.”

The flower before me was dead. But I knew I must 45 it, or he might never leave. So I reached for the flower and replied,” Just what I need.” But 46 placing the flower in my hand, he held it midair without reason. It was then that I noticed for the very first time, that the boy was blind.

I heard my voice trembling (颤抖) , tears 47 in the sun, as I thanked him for picking the “best” one. I sat there and wondered how he managed to see a self-pitying woman.

Through the eyes of a blind child, at last I could see, the problem was not with the 48 ;the problem was me. And for all of those times I myself had been 49 , I made up my mind to see the 50 in life.


41. A. how B. when C. where D. why


40. A. tell B. ask C. teach D. find


39. A. buy B. have C. visit D. build


38. A. great B. angry C. smart D. happy


37. A. us B. them C. him D. her

