0  77576  77584  77590  77594  77600  77602  77606  77612  77614  77620  77626  77630  77632  77636  77642  77644  77650  77654  77656  77660  77662  77666  77668  77670  77671  77672  77674  77675  77676  77678  77680  77684  77686  77690  77692  77696  77702  77704  77710  77714  77716  77720  77726  77732  77734  77740  77744  77746  77752  77756  77762  77770  447090 

30. A repott asys huodreds thousomds trees _______in the Auason(亚马孙河)rainforeat last year.

  A.was cut down     B.have been cut down   

  C.were cut down    D.has been cut down


29. The little boy______his seat to the old lsdy on the crowded bus.

  A.come down    B.come in    C.came over    D.came out


28.The little boy _______as soon as it was dark.

  A.offered      B.brought     C.lent    D.took


27. Once upon a time we Chinese msde the tirst kite. People used kites to send _______to other places,because they didn't

have telephones, computers,or even radios.

  A.languages     B.newspapers     C.measages   D.magasines


26.--Must we collect the waste paper and bottles now?

--_________.You can do it after class.

A. Yes,you must        B.No,you needn't

  C. Yes,you may         D,No,you mustn't


25. All of them can take this job .but I Want to know who is_______.

  A. the most careful   B.more careful    C.careful    D.very careful



24.--______did yousee a cat run from behind the door?

   --As soon sa I entered the room.

  A. What     B.When    C.Where    D.Why


23.Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng said,"_____________We didn't see the Great Wall ,we felt excited when we passed over China."

  A. Because     B. If     C. Although    D. As


22. --What day is it today, Wednesdsy or Thursday?

   ---_______.It's Friday.


21.______Saturday morning, an earthquake killed 13 people ______Jiangxi Province.

  A. On;in   B.On;at      C. In;at    D.In;in

