0  77588  77596  77602  77606  77612  77614  77618  77624  77626  77632  77638  77642  77644  77648  77654  77656  77662  77666  77668  77672  77674  77678  77680  77682  77683  77684  77686  77687  77688  77690  77692  77696  77698  77702  77704  77708  77714  77716  77722  77726  77728  77732  77738  77744  77746  77752  77756  77758  77764  77768  77774  77782  447090 

53. A. with         B. for             C. from           D. at


52. A. see          B. visit            C. look           D. find


51. A. up           B. over            C. about         D. than


50. A. their         B. his             C. its            D. our


49. A. are          B. is              C. will be         D. has been


48. A. Which       B. What           C. Where         D. When


47. A. is           B. had             C. has           D. have


46. A. west         B. east            C. south          D. north


    Ottawa is the capital. Every year millions of tourists go there to 52   museums and take part in the cultural(文化的)activities. Toronto is the largest city of the country 53 about 2. 5 million people. Montreal is 54 second biggest French-speaking city in the world.

    The maple leaf is the national symbol of Canada. The Canadian flag has a red maple leaf on a red 55 white background.

