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(四)对话理解: 对话听两遍:
(    )18. What’s wrong with the boy?
     A. He’s got a headache. B. He’s got a high temperature.
     C. He’s got a cold.
(    )19. How long has he been like this?
     A. For one day. B. For two days. C. For three days.
(    )20. Is he seriously ill?
      A. Yes, he is. B. Yes. But he will be well soon. C. No, he isn’t.
(    )21. How many times should he take the medicine a day?
      A. One time. B. Two times. C. Three times.
(    )22. Where does the man want to go?
      A. London. B. Hong Kong. C. America.
(    )23. When will he go there?
      A. June 29th. B. June 30th. C. July 1st.
(    )24. When will the earliest flight leave?
      A. At 7:00 in the evening. B. At 8:00 in the morning.
      C. At 7:00 in the morning.
(    )25. Does it stop in Beijing?
      A. Yes, it does. B. No, it doesn’t. C. We don’t know.
(    )26. Where did Mr. White work?
      A. France. B. America. C. England.
(    )27. Why was Mrs. White angry?
      A. Her husband wouldn’t go to see their son.

B. Her husband was hit by a car.


(    )17. What size does the man wear?

A. The large size.  B. The small size.  C. The medium size.


(    )16. What does the girl’s mother do?

A. A nurse.  B. A doctor.  C. A worker.


(    )15. When does the dialogue happen?

A. During class.  B. After class.  C. Before class.


(    )14. Why was the girl late again for school?

A. She was ill.  B. She got up late.  C. She met a traffic accident.


A. 3897244.  B. 3879224.  C. 3789244.


(    )13. What’s the woman’s telephone number?


(    )12. Why wasn’t the boy at school yesterday?

A. He had to look after his mother.

B. He had to look after his father.

C. He was ill in bed.


A. In 1874.  B. In 1931.  C. In 1847.


(    )11. When was Edison born?

