0  77718  77726  77732  77736  77742  77744  77748  77754  77756  77762  77768  77772  77774  77778  77784  77786  77792  77796  77798  77802  77804  77808  77810  77812  77813  77814  77816  77817  77818  77820  77822  77826  77828  77832  77834  77838  77844  77846  77852  77856  77858  77862  77868  77874  77876  77882  77886  77888  77894  77898  77904  77912  447090 

46.A.and      B.or       C.to             D.in


45.A.all      B.none     C.some           D.one


44.A.read     B.write    C.return         D.1ooked at


43.A.When     B.Why      C.Where          D.How


42.A.rich     B.poor     C.young          D.hardworking


41.A.And      B.Maybe    C.For sure       D.So


   Do you need money? Write a 1etter to Mr.Percy Ross.

41     he will give you some money.

Mr.Ross is a   42  man,and he likes to give people money.   43   does he give people money? People write letters to Mr. Ross. In their letters, they tell him why they need money. Mr. Ross gets 12,000 letters a week. He and his 12 assistants 44  

all of the letters.Then Mr.Ross sends money to   45  of the people.,

    Who can get money from Mr.Ross sends usually money to old people.sick people and poor children.A mother wrote  Mr.Ross,“I have two daughters,ages one  46  eight.I give the baby one bottle of milk every day.I want to give her two bottle

milk every day.  47  I don,t have enough money.I also want to give my  48 

daughter ice cream sometimes.Can you help me?”Mr.Ross sent the   49  a check.“This check will buy much more than milk and ice cream。”he wrote.

    Who  50  get money from Mr.Ross? Mr.Ross usually doesn’t send money to

young,healthy people.A 16一year―old boy wrote,“I need$900 to buy a good used

car.I really need it because I 1ike a girl.She doesn't like me  51  I don,t have a car.”Mr.Ross wrote the boy,“You don't  52  a car.You need a different girlfriend.’’

    53 does Percy Ross give people money? When Mr.ROSS was a boy。he was

very  54  .He worked hard,and now he is a successful businessman.He wants to

  55  poor people.And Mr.Ross is getting older.He wants to give all of his money

away before he dies.He says。“Who will get my money?1 want to decide.”


39.一The office was broken into last night.Someone thinks you did it.

    一But I ________ the whole night with my best friend,John.

  A.spend    B.am spending    C.spent   D. had spent 


afternoon ________ 2:30 and 6:00.

A.at      B.between    C.from       D. about

