0  77747  77755  77761  77765  77771  77773  77777  77783  77785  77791  77797  77801  77803  77807  77813  77815  77821  77825  77827  77831  77833  77837  77839  77841  77842  77843  77845  77846  77847  77849  77851  77855  77857  77861  77863  77867  77873  77875  77881  77885  77887  77891  77897  77903  77905  77911  77915  77917  77923  77927  77933  77941  447090 

76. It’s very hot here, would you o______ a window please?


75. My shoes are worn out. I need to buy a n______ pair.


74. They are getting along well. They often help e______ other.


73. Do you want to p______ basketball with us?


72. She’s my best f______--we’ve known each other since we were five.


71. Swimming is one of the world’s most popular water s______.


55. We can learn something about ______ from the passage.

  A. body language              B. Physical Education(体育) C. optical illusions(视错觉)

  D. television invention


六、词语填空  (共15小题,计15分)


call   change   start   woman   because   picture   during   young

from   that   short   they   but   different   dress

What was cool in the 1920s and 1960s

The life of American women changed a lot during 1920s. More women   56   working outside the home. The US Government gave   57   the right to vote in election(投票选举). Women’s look also   58   . In the past, they had long hair. Now many women in the big cities had very   59    hair. Instead of long, heavy dresses, women now wore short    60   . They showed   61    arms and legs. They started wearing a hat from France which was   62   the “cloche”. Today we may think these hats look strange,   63   they were cool in the 1920s.

    64   the 1960s, young people started wearing clothing   65   was completely different   66   their parents’ clothes. They didn’t want to look dressy or be in style(时尚). They wanted to be   67   . Jeans were popular. T-shirts often had words or   68   on the front. And a very old style of glasses became popular with    69   people. They were called “granny glasses”,   70   they looked like glasses a grandmother would wear.


七、单词拼写 (共10小题,计10分)



M1                   M2       M1                        M1                 P               M1


            P              P    M2                        M2                         P

       A                    B                   C                  D

M = mirror          P = person


54. Which of the following pictures is right according to the second paragraph of the passage?


53. According to the first paragraph of the passage, if you close your left eye, your picture in the mirror ______.

  A. closes its right eye        B. closes its left eye       C. touches its right ear

  D. touches its left ear

