0  77761  77769  77775  77779  77785  77787  77791  77797  77799  77805  77811  77815  77817  77821  77827  77829  77835  77839  77841  77845  77847  77851  77853  77855  77856  77857  77859  77860  77861  77863  77865  77869  77871  77875  77877  77881  77887  77889  77895  77899  77901  77905  77911  77917  77919  77925  77929  77931  77937  77941  77947  77955  447090 


Kelly Hall is    36    accountant(会计师). She works in a bank in town. She is    37     from morning till night.

She gets up at six o’clock in the morning and goes     38     at half past six. After that she prepares(准备)    39    . She has breakfast       40    the family at seven-fifteen. She goes to    41          42     eight.

She    43     work at four and      44      back home. She arrives home at five. At six she makes supper. After supper she has     45      rest. Sometimes she watches TV for a little while. She reads for about an hour before she goes to bed.


35. My father goes to work           his ear.

A. by                B. in                  C. on


34. Look out! The cup is           hot water.

A. full of             B. fill with             C. full


33. I'm very hungry. Would you give me some           ?

A. water             B. juice                C. cake


32. ----Shall we invite Tom to play football now?

   ----Oh, no. He           his clothes.

A. is washing         B. washes              C. has washed


31. ----Hi, John. Shall we go to Australia for the long holiday?

----Sorry. I           there twice.

A. have gone         B. was                 C. have been


30. ----Have you ever seen Tom and Jerry ?

----Sure. It is one of __ cartoons I have ever seen.

A. wonderful         B. the most wonderful   C. more wonderful


29. ----________ will you stay in America?

----About two months.

A. How many         B. How often          C. How long


28. ----Excuse me, do you know        ?

   ----I’m sorry. I am new here.

A. where is the nearest bus station

B. where the nearest bus station is

C. where the nearest bus station was


27. ----Is this your dictionary?

   ----No,         is in my bag.

A. hers                B. mine               C. yours

