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69. 我们把吴爷爷当成好朋友。

   Grandpa Wu                                          as our good friend.


68. 谁在敲门?是汤姆吗?

                     the door? Is                    Tom?


67. 人们应该学会怎样保护自己。

   People should learn                                          .


66. 刘翔是中国最受欢迎的明星之一。

   Liu Xiang is one of                                          in China.


H. If you have a few free hours during the day, some evenings and weekends to care for a schoolbag child, please call Susan at 800-4964.




(      )65. The students in No.2 Middle School plan to have a picnic. Whether they will do it depends on the weather. What message do they need to pay attention to?

A. Lots of people miss their pets while they are on holidays. Our hotel can solve(解决)this problem. We lend cats or dogs to you. We are sure that you will be happy to stay with them.

B. Many people like animals and take them as their pets. Now pet hospitals are very busy. Kind people who love animals are needed to work in busy hospitals.

C. Living in another country can help you to learn a language, and about another culture. Many companies today need employees(雇员)who can speak a foreign language, or have the experience of living or working in another country.

D. We sell eggs, apples, tomatoes and pork at very low prices, Our business hours are from 6:00 am to 10:30 pm.

E. Our city will have a cloudy day tomorrow. It will be rainy at times. There will be a strong wind. The day after tomorrow will be sunny. It will be a fine day to go hiking or to have a picnic.

F. We have all kinds of video films, TV plays, and music videos. You can enjoy yourself and take time to watch your favourite videos at our shop. You can also borrow some videos home, each video for a week for I dollar.

G. A study of the people in China’s largest cities shows that saving money for children’s education has become an important reason for saving. It is the second most important purpose of people’s saving habit. The result shows that people in China care much about education. The education market is very big in China.


(   )64. Helen is a housewife. Which message is the interested in?


(    )63. Wang Lan just came back from England. She is looking for a job. She prefers to work in a big company. Which information will interest her?

