0  77889  77897  77903  77907  77913  77915  77919  77925  77927  77933  77939  77943  77945  77949  77955  77957  77963  77967  77969  77973  77975  77979  77981  77983  77984  77985  77987  77988  77989  77991  77993  77997  77999  78003  78005  78009  78015  78017  78023  78027  78029  78033  78039  78045  78047  78053  78057  78059  78065  78069  78075  78083  447090 

32. What about Sally? She's done her best these days, ________?

A.  hasn't she          B.   isn't Sally  C.   hasn't Sally         D.  isn't she


31. Mr Watson won't be here next week,  and________.

A.  neither his wife will          B.   neither his wife won't

C.  his wife won't neither         D.  his wife won't either


30.  My grandfather wants ________ around  the world  because  he enjoys ________ new places.

A.  travelling;  seeing          B.   to travel;  to see

C.  to travel;  seeing           D.  travelling;  to see


29.  Mr White is of great help;  you________let him go.

A.  had not better        B.   had better don't  C.  had better not      D.  had no better


28. -Can your brother make model airplane?

- Yes,  this week he________a new model.

A.  builds            B.   is built       C.  had built     D.  is building


27. - Did you and your friends ride your bicycles to the beach yesterday afternoon?

- Yeah.          we had!

A.   How a fun          B.  What fun    C.  What a fun     D.   How fun


26.- What are you looking for,  Michelle?

My cousin's MP3 player.  It   ._____right in here,  and now it's________.

A.   has been;  gone   B.   was;  gone      C.  was;  going      D. is;  going


25. -What would you like for________breakfast,  Mr Scott?

-Three pieces of bread with________cup of black tea,  please.

A.  a;  a      B.   不填;  the             C.  a;  the       D.   不填;  a


24.      Do you like the new coat,  Jack? -Well,  let me________and see.

A.   wear it on        B.   put on it         C.  try it on         D.  dress on it


23. My uncle went to Australia last year.  We haven't seen him________.

A,   since almost a year        B.  from almost a year on

C.  after almost a year         D.   since almost a year ago

