0  77907  77915  77921  77925  77931  77933  77937  77943  77945  77951  77957  77961  77963  77967  77973  77975  77981  77985  77987  77991  77993  77997  77999  78001  78002  78003  78005  78006  78007  78009  78011  78015  78017  78021  78023  78027  78033  78035  78041  78045  78047  78051  78057  78063  78065  78071  78075  78077  78083  78087  78093  78101  447090 

33. - Many I ______your bike?

- Sorry. I ______it to Mary yesterday.

A. keep; borrowed B. borrow; repaired C. use; lent D. lend; returned


32. - Shall we stop and have _______tea now?

- Great.

A. any B. some C. little D. a bit


31. - Will Mr. Smith be here soon?

- I can't tell. Let's go and _____when the train arrives.

A. look B. look for C. find D. find out


30. - Would you like to come to dinner tonight?

- I'd like to, _____I'm to busy.

A. and B. if C. so D. but


29. - How long have you ____the football team of the school?

-About two years.

A. been on B. been at C. joined D. played


28. - My parents have been to the United States.

- Really? When _______there?

A. will they go B. did they go C. had they gone D. have they gone.


27. - What's the weather going to be like next week?

- It's going to be ________.

A. wet B. dark C. long D far


26. - __________?

- Quite well, thank you.

A. What do you do B. What do you think of it.

C. How are you getting on with your English D. Are you good at English


25. - We never know _______he is.

- They say he is a doctor.

A. whom B. what C. which D. where


24. - Oh, I've left my schoolbag in the classroom.

- Don't worry, I'll ___it for you.

A. get B. carry C. bring D. take

