0  77916  77924  77930  77934  77940  77942  77946  77952  77954  77960  77966  77970  77972  77976  77982  77984  77990  77994  77996  78000  78002  78006  78008  78010  78011  78012  78014  78015  78016  78018  78020  78024  78026  78030  78032  78036  78042  78044  78050  78054  78056  78060  78066  78072  78074  78080  78084  78086  78092  78096  78102  78110  447090 

43.     A. excited                     B. satisfied            C. happy               D. guilty


Food is life; it gives us the nourishment (营养) we need to stay alive and be healthy. Usually, we eat because we are hungry or need energy. Brian Wansink, a professor (教授) at the University of Illinois, says we also eat certain (某种) foods because they make us feel good, and remind us of happy memories. Wansink calls this kind of food comfort food. For some people, ice cream is a comfort food. For others, a bowl of noodles makes them feel good.

       How does a food became comfort food? Professor Wansink believes that we connect food with important times, feelings, and people in our lives, ‘When I was a child, my mother made a delicious soup; I loved it. Now, I often eat this soup when I am tired or worried, and it helps me feel better,’ says one of Wansink’s friends.

       Do men and women choose different comfort foods? Wansink’s research (研究) at the University of Illinois says ‘yes’. In his study, the favourite comfort for both men and women was ice cream. After this, men usually preferred hot, delicious foods like soup or noodles. Women liked sweet things such as chocolate and candies. Men and women like to eat comfort foods when they are happy, but women eat these foods more when they are sad or worried.


42.     A. Each                        B. Worst                C. Part                  D. Best


41.     A. mother                     B. student                     C. lady                  D. man


40.     A. records                     B. dates                 C. photos               D. places

