0  77945  77953  77959  77963  77969  77971  77975  77981  77983  77989  77995  77999  78001  78005  78011  78013  78019  78023  78025  78029  78031  78035  78037  78039  78040  78041  78043  78044  78045  78047  78049  78053  78055  78059  78061  78065  78071  78073  78079  78083  78085  78089  78095  78101  78103  78109  78113  78115  78121  78125  78131  78139  447090 

10. ─ How about going out for a walk ?    ─ ______.

     A. I would be     B. I like       C. I do         D. I’d like to


9. ─ How long will you stay here?   ─ I think I will be here for _____ more days.

   A. few       B. a few        C. little       D. a little


8. ─ Where can I find Jack?   ─ He _____ the post office.

   A. has been to      B. had been to       C. has gone to      D. had gone to


7. ─ I want to teach in this area.   ─ Well, teachers ____ very much here.

    A. need     B. are needing     C. are needed       D. will need


6. ─ When ____ you ____ the bike ?  ─ Last month.

    A. have / bought    B. had / bought     C. do / buy      D. did / buy


5. ─ Is your father a doctor ?   ─ Yes, he is .  He ___ in Town Hospital.

    A. has worked    B. had worked     C. works      D. worked


4. ─ This box is ___ heavy for me to carry. Can you help me ?  ─ Certainly.

    A. so        B. much      C. very      D. too


3. ─ There is some soup on the table, isn’t ____?  ─ No, I think that’s water.

    A. there      B. it       C. that      D. one


2. ─ Is that Mary ?   ─ Right. She’s nice and I like ___ very much.

    A. herself      B. her      C. hers      D. she


1. ─ When do you go shopping ?  ─ I usually go shopping ____ Sunday morning.

    A. on      B. in      C. at      D. for

