0  77967  77975  77981  77985  77991  77993  77997  78003  78005  78011  78017  78021  78023  78027  78033  78035  78041  78045  78047  78051  78053  78057  78059  78061  78062  78063  78065  78066  78067  78069  78071  78075  78077  78081  78083  78087  78093  78095  78101  78105  78107  78111  78117  78123  78125  78131  78135  78137  78143  78147  78153  78161  447090 

  26. ―Which is _________, the sun, the moon or the earth?

―Of course the sun is.

A. smaller                 B. the smallest                     C. bigger               D. the biggest


  25. ―Must I finish my composition right now?

―No, you _________. You can hand it in tomorrow.

A. can’t                    B. mustn’t                    C. may not            D. needn’t


  24. ―Your Chinese is so good!

―But your English is better. So you can teacher me English and I can teach you Chinese.


A. What a pity!                              B. That’s a deal!           

C. The same to you!                        D. I’m sorry to hear that.


  23. ―_________ is your math teacher?

―The one in red.

A. What                    B. Where               C. Which               D. How


  22. ―It’s a secret between us. Don’t tell anybody.

―Sure, _________.

A. I won’t                 B. I will                C. I don’t                     D. I do


  21. ―What can I do for you?

―I want _________ orange blouse for my daughter.

A. an                        B. the                    C. a                      D. / (不填)


  20. From the story we can see that the dog is ________.

A. lazy and shy                    B. clever and brave(勇敢的)

C. strong but careless            D. weak and foolish


V. 单项填空(共15小题,计15分)



  19. What happened to the robber according to the story?

A. He was locked in the door.

B. He was caught in the garden.

C. He was bitten by the dog.

D. He was sent to the police station.


  18. The woman was very angry because ________.

A. the dog was missing

B. her husband didn’t catch the robber

C. the door was broken

D. the didn’t think the dog had looked after the house


  17. How did they go to the cinema one evening?

    A. On foot.                   B. By bike.            C. By car.                     D. By bus.

