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(    )37.The youth worker offered the teenagers some valuable _______.

       A. suggestion         B. advices                     C. suggestions               D. advise


(    )36.I wish I _______ fly to Beijing now.

       A. can                  B. will                         C. shall                        D. could


(    )35.I think it unnecessary to _______ our hobbies.

       A. give up             B. give in                            C. give out                   D. give off


(    )34.______ too much and ______ too little exercise make you unhealthy.

       A. To eat, taking    B. Eating, to take          C. Eating, taking           D. Eat, take


(    )33.We’d better hurry up. There is little time ________.

       A. leave                B. leaving                     C. to leave                    D. left


(    )32.I think the colour that ________ represent Lisa is yellow.

       A. good                 B. much                       C. best                         D. more


(    )31.The colour red can help you when you are having difficulty _______ a decision.

       A. making             B. to make                    C. with making             D. make


(    )30. He _______ go shopping ________ stay at home.

       A. prefers, to         B. would rather, to        C. prefers, than             D. would rather, than


(    )29. Tony found the program Tiger Watch a bit disturbing. The underlined is used as ____.

       A. complement      B. attributive                C. predicative               D. adverbial


(    )28. He is imaginative enough to _______ new ideas.

       A. think                B. think over                C. come over                D. come up with

