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23.Did her mother help her to make the dress?



22.Why did the writer want to make a dress that summer?



21.How many children are there in the writer’s family ?




Since I was young, my mother has always spent lots of time sitting be-hind a sewing machine (缝纫机) with a happy look on her face. For all the three kids in our family, she has made all the clothes.

My mother makes it look so easy, but the first time I tried to make something, I just couldn’t do it. I worked too quickly, and when I finished, it looked bad. Soon, I just gave up.

This summer, Ireally wanted to make a dress to wear at a party. I picked out some nice cloth, and I found a nice style in a book. I got so excited about sewing that I counldn’t even sleep.

I started early the next morning. My mother was at a meeting, so if I had questions, there could be no one to ask.

I started sewing slowly and carefully, and I tried to do everything right. When I was sewing the top, I made the neck too small. But the rest was fine.

“I finally made it !” I shouted two hours later. And it fit ! For the first time, I couldn’t wear something I had made with my own hands!

If you want to learn something, my advice is: Don’t give up when you can’t do it well. Start with something easy, and try your best.


20. What would Robert do if he found the money?



Never give up



19. What would Kate do if she found that much money?



18. How much was the money?.



17. How did the owner thank him?



16. Who found the money?



(   )15.So many people refused Bill Bowerman because ________.

A.     they thought his idea was silly

B.     they didn’t know how to make sports shoes

C.     his idea was hard to come true

D.     it was diffcult to pour rubber into the cake iron




Robert: Look at this,a man found $750,000! He returned

      It and the owner thanked him with a phone call.

Kete: You’re kidding! If I found $750,000, I wouldn’t

      Return it so fast.

Robert: Why? What would you do?

Kete: well, I’d go straight to Las Vegas(拉斯韦加斯,世界三大赌城之一)and try my luck there. I could double the money in day and keep $750,000 for myself.

Robert: You might also lose it all in a day, And then you could go to jail(监狱).

Kate: Hmm. You’ve got a point there. So, what would you to if you found lots of money?

Robert: Oh, you know me, Kate. I’m so honest that I scare myself sometimes. I’d take the money straight to the police.

Kete: I guess that wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Maybe the owner of the money would give you a big reward(回报).

