0  78067  78075  78081  78085  78091  78093  78097  78103  78105  78111  78117  78121  78123  78127  78133  78135  78141  78145  78147  78151  78153  78157  78159  78161  78162  78163  78165  78166  78167  78169  78171  78175  78177  78181  78183  78187  78193  78195  78201  78205  78207  78211  78217  78223  78225  78231  78235  78237  78243  78247  78253  78261  447090 

(    )9.A.when            B.where       C.how                D.whether


(    )8.A.tickets        B.children    C.train             D.name


(    )7.A.his               B.him          C.himself            D.wife


(    )6.A.Luckily      B.Surely      C.Finally            D.Usually


(    )5.A.people          B.road         C.way                 D.name


(    )4.A.report           B.present     C.lesson              D.secret


(    )3.A.interested B.careful           C.interesting       D.excited


(    )2.A.father           B.away        C.over                D.off


(    )1.A.take              B.give         C.have                D.make


(    )15.The boy is _______ danger. Let’s go and help him.

A.in                 B.of                   C.from                      D.out in

Mr North is now old and very forgetful. One summer day, he decided to  1  his grandchildren to a seaside for a holiday. The town was about a three hours’ train ride  2  . In order to make the holiday more  3  for his grandchildren, he kept the name of the town a   4  . But when they arrived at the station, the poor man had forgotten the  5  of the town himself.  6  ,

a friend of   7  was at the station at that time. He helped to take care of the  8  while Mr North went back home to find out  9  he was going.

Mrs North was   10  to see Mr North again so soon. But she was pleased when she understood  11  he came back. She wrote the name of the  12  on a piece of paper and sent her husband off. Then some  13  later, she was greatly surprised to see Mr North outside   14  .

What was the matter now? Mr North had forgotten  15  he had left the children.

