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24. In 1989, Mr. Black ________ Sonia.

A. married      B. got married

C. married with D. got married with


23. Tom is sad. Everyone is trying to _______________.

A. cheer up him   B. clean him up  

C. cheer him up    D. set him up


22. It’s so dark. They can’t go ________ the jungle.

   A. across        B. through       C. cross          D. over


21. They are going to set up a food bank to help ________ people.

A. tired        B. sick        C. hungry        D. happy


20. What would the children do after the boy answered the question?

    A. They would say “yes” to him.      

B. They would say “no” to him.

C. They would laugh again.





19. From this story we know _______.

A.     Helen was a clever girl

B.     children were free to ask questions in Mary’s class

C.     the boy was foolish


18. ---Why did Helen know a man’s hair would become gray(灰白色) before his beard(胡子) ?       --- Because _________.

    A. she saw it happened to her father   

B. her father told her about it

    C. the other children told her about it


17. The children enjoyed her teaching because________.

    A. she was very young  B. she taught well  C. she laughed a little


16. Mary Smith wanted to become a teacher because_______.

    A. she liked teaching       B. she liked the school life   

C. she liked the children


15. A. Noodles.         B. A cake.          C. A cake and noodles.

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