0  78097  78105  78111  78115  78121  78123  78127  78133  78135  78141  78147  78151  78153  78157  78163  78165  78171  78175  78177  78181  78183  78187  78189  78191  78192  78193  78195  78196  78197  78199  78201  78205  78207  78211  78213  78217  78223  78225  78231  78235  78237  78241  78247  78253  78255  78261  78265  78267  78273  78277  78283  78291  447090 

 38.-They say there’s a new restaurant nearby.

     -Yes.and it_________for no more than a week.

  A.has been open  B.has been opened  C.is opening D.has opened


37.-Come and join us, Jimmy!

    -I’m sorry,but I’m really busy now.If I ____time,I would certainly go.

  A.will have  B.have had  C.had   D.have


36.I don’t understand the text___there are few words in it.

  A.so    B.because     C.if      D.though


35.-When does the lady look like?


 A.She’s fine and well.    B.She’s really a nice lady.

 C.She’s tall and thin.   D.She’s likes wearing skirts.


34.一I wonder if your wife will go to the party.

    一If your wife _________, so _________.

 A.does,does she  B.will,will mine  C.does,will mine D.will,will I


33.一Will the foreigners have any problems talking with Chinese in Beijing in    2008?

一I don’t think so.Now____the young____the old are learning to    speak English.  

 A.only,except B.either, or  C.neither,nor D.not only, but also


32.-How’s Joy’s skirt?

    -Her skirt is more beautiful than________ .

 A.her sister’s and Kate           B.her sister and Kate

C.her sister and Kate’s D.her sister’s and Kate’s


31.-Oh.I’ve left my schoolbag in the classroom.

    -Don’t worry.I’ll ________it for you.

 A.bring    B.get  C.take    D.carry


30.一Can you tell me at what time_____?

    一In half an hour.

 A.the ship is leaving    B.is the ship leaving

 C.was the ship leaving   D.the ship was leaving


29.一I'd like to borrow a book.Its name is“Chicken,Run”

   一Let me find it on the computer.Here it is.It ___Kate has got it.

A.says    B.is said    C.has said     D.was said

