0  78230  78238  78244  78248  78254  78256  78260  78266  78268  78274  78280  78284  78286  78290  78296  78298  78304  78308  78310  78314  78316  78320  78322  78324  78325  78326  78328  78329  78330  78332  78334  78338  78340  78344  78346  78350  78356  78358  78364  78368  78370  78374  78380  78386  78388  78394  78398  78400  78406  78410  78416  78424  447090 

   (    )49. What made the man write the letter. and send £10 to the shop?

           A. The police                   B. His wife

           C. The manager                  D. His conscience


           D. He was engaged in 1935.


   (    )48. Which of the following is not true7

           A. He didn’t know the size of his girlfriend's finger.

           B. He had not much money at the time.

           C. He was out of work for some time.


   (    )47. How did the writer of the letter get the wedding ring?

           A. The girl gave it to him.     B. He bought it from the shop.

           C. He borrowed it from the shop. D. He took it out of the shop without paying.


   (    )46. The writer of the letter sent ~10

            A. to buy a ring for his wife   B. to thank the girl for her kindness

            C. to pay for his wife's ring  D. to give an order for a ring


(    )45. A. surprising    B. surprised     C. surprise      D. to surprise


    Last week the manager of an old shop received a letter. As he was very busy, the letter lay on his desk till teatime. Then he opened it and £10 fell out onto his desk. Together with it was a short letter. It read:

Dear Sir,

In 1935, I got engaged (订婚) ,but unluckily I lost my job. At that time a lot of people were out of work. Six months later, I got a job again, but of course I was very short of money.

    I came to your shop to buy a wedding ring. The girl took out some rings for me to look at, but she was called away for a moment, and I put one of the rings in my pocket. When she came back, I said I did not know the size of my girlfriend’s finger. So I left the shop without paying.

    My wife died a short while ago and I never paid for her ring. It has been on my conscience (良心) all these years. At that time the ring cost £2, so I think the ring may cost £10 now, and I am sending you the money.

           Yours truly,

             A customer                                                                                                                                                   

  "Well, well, well, "Said the manager.”Life is full of surprises. "


(    )44. A. fish          B. rice          C. water         D. shellfish


(    )43. A. forks         B. spoons        C. hands         D. bowls


(    )42. A. touch         B. catch         C. feel          D. drop


(    )41. A. dirty         B. right         C. left          D. big

