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14. What time did the woman leave the bank?


13. What was Mike doing then?

A. Talking to a customer.        B. Counting money.      

C. Working on the computer.


12. Where was she at 10:30 yesterday?

A. At the desk.      B. At the gate.     C. At home.


11. What is the woman’s name?

A. Shirley           B. Helen.           C. Bill


10. How does the man go to the post office?

A. By bus.          B. By taxi.         C. On foot.



9. What sport does Alex like best?

A. Football.        B. Basketball.      C. Ping-pong.


8. Why did the woman go to work by bus yesterday?

A. She didn’t like walking.    B. Her bike was broken.  

C. It was far away from her home.


7. Where are they talking?

A. At a cinema.       B. At a bus stop.   C. At a restaurant.


6. What is Mary’s mother?

A. A nurse            B. A doctor.        C. A worker.


5. A. We’ll meet at 9:00.    B. What about the entrance hall?

 C. How about Richard?


