0  78287  78295  78301  78305  78311  78313  78317  78323  78325  78331  78337  78341  78343  78347  78353  78355  78361  78365  78367  78371  78373  78377  78379  78381  78382  78383  78385  78386  78387  78389  78391  78395  78397  78401  78403  78407  78413  78415  78421  78425  78427  78431  78437  78443  78445  78451  78455  78457  78463  78467  78473  78481  447090 

(   )42.A. get into       B. get back to    C. get off    D. get up to


(   )41.A. sleepy         B. terrified      C. tired      D. lazy


(   )40.A. quickly        B. much        C. well       D. usually


(   )39.A. she           B. he           C. that       D. it


(   )38.A. if             B. how         C. what      D. where


(   )37.A. phoned         B. told         C. asked     D. ordered


(   )36.A. way           B. ship         C. land      D. road


(   )35.A. since          B. after        C. until      D. before


(   )34. A. stopped        B. used        C. had      D. decided


(   )33.A. others      B. another       C. more     D. fewer

                                                 Text 2

  Shirley Yeats is certainly a very brave woman ! At the age of sixty-seven, she   34   to take a trip round the coast(海岸) of Malaysia. Everything was fine   35   one day, as she was going back to her room on the    36    , she saw smoke coming out of another room. She    37   the captain from her room at once and told him about the fire. Then she went up on deck(甲板) to see   38   she  could do to help. The fire spread(蔓延) very quickly and soon   39    was completely out of control. The captain decided to get all the passengers out as    40   as possible.

Many of the other passengers were   41   , but Shirley remained calm(镇静的). She even helped the other passengers to    42   the lifeboats.

All 1,000 passengers were in the lifeboats and not one passenger   43   in the fire. Shirley was one of the last people to leave. Later, she told reporters, “ I was very afraid,   44   I always knew what I had to do. I   45   all my years as a teacher helped----all that time telling people what to do ! “

