0  78359  78367  78373  78377  78383  78385  78389  78395  78397  78403  78409  78413  78415  78419  78425  78427  78433  78437  78439  78443  78445  78449  78451  78453  78454  78455  78457  78458  78459  78461  78463  78467  78469  78473  78475  78479  78485  78487  78493  78497  78499  78503  78509  78515  78517  78523  78527  78529  78535  78539  78545  78553  447090 

41. A visited    B known      C supported   D wanted


      47  they can't keep on studying. what they can expect is a  48     future, You must find 49  to Iet them continue  their education " Cong said. Cones first  50  began at a charity performance for children who returned to school !after dropping out in Southwest China's Chongqing in 1994. He was then  51  to learn that his2.4.00 yuan could  help children complete  two years'  education and realized how  52  the donation (捐赠) was to the children. From then on, he  53  took park in more than 20 charity performances in poor areas in Guizhou,Hunan and Sichuan provinces

In the past two months ,much  54  has come to Cong and his story because of lots of report s on him LiHongzhong Party Secretary of Shenzhen, visited him in June and encouraged him to fight the disease so that he could ,as his name suggests “  55   again”


A                     B                   C                D

Reading letters from the children he has  41  ,and in the letters they call him "Dad". is the most enjoyable and happiest thing for singer Cong Fei. who now  42  stay in bed The 36?year--old singer has used nearly all his  43  from business performance. To  44  the tuition fees (学费) of 178 children in poor areas over the past 11 years He has diagnosed(诊断) with stomach cancer in May. One of the first thing he asked for after being diagnosed was that his friends and family  45  to help the 178 students finish  46 


40.Which of the following is NOT a  traffic sign?


39.The teacher asked the students________

A. if they were interested in dinosaurs

B. when was Albert Einstein born

C. what they will do with the computers  

D. how many trees they have planted


38.― Must 1 return the took this morning?

―No, you _____,But you _____to return it before nest Monday.

A. needn't; must        B. mustn’t; can

C. mustn’t; may        D. needn't; need


37.I have four cousins. One is a lawyer. _____is an artist. _____workers.

A. the other; the others        B. another: others

C. another, the others       D. the other; others


36. I can't say______ I want to go back to my hometown. It’s a long time site I went back last time.

A. how much          B. how long

C. how often             D. how soon  


35.Is that the museum       yesterday?

A. we visited    

B. the one we met Professor Wang

C. one we visited     

D. which we took pictures


34.― Is your dog afraid of me?

―A little. It’s not used to           

A. touching           B. touch

C. being touched        D. be touched

