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When you were young, who rode you around on the back of his bike? Who played football and flew kites with you in the park? Who helped you   34   your first difficult maths problems? Who taught you the difference between  35   ? Your dad. Now it is your turn to do something for him. One Sunday in June, is    36   Day. So why not do something   37     to thank your dad? 


33. Which of the following is most helpful to you when your school building is on fire.


32.----Can you see          ?                         

   ---- No. Let's go and have a look .Maybe we can help them.

    A. what was happening there                 B. what are they doing there

    C. what are they talking there                 D. what is happening there


31. China's sport stars Yao Ming and Liu Xiang         Good Will Ambassadors (亲善大使) for Shanghai.                                 

   A. has been named   B. have been named      C has named      D. have named


30. The 1ake looks           in the moonlight. I often take a walk around it.

   A. wonderfully       B. famous              C. well          D  beautiful


29. A. good  friend always gives you a helping hand           you’re in trouble.

   A. when            B. before               C. until          D. though


28.----What will you do if it           tomorrow ?

   ----I'll stay at home and watch the match on TV.

    A. rain              B. rains             C. will rain           D. is raining


27. After the earthquake, people from all parts of the country          money and clothes.

    A. gave away        B. brought in          C. took away         D. put away


26.----We are going to Beijing to spend the holiday tomorrow.

  ----            .

    A. Congratulations.                         B. That' s right.

    C. Have a good time.                        D. That' s nothing.


25.----I can't stop playing computer games.

   ----For your health, my boy, I'm afraid you           .

    A. can             B. may                  C. must           D. have to

