0  78515  78523  78529  78533  78539  78541  78545  78551  78553  78559  78565  78569  78571  78575  78581  78583  78589  78593  78595  78599  78601  78605  78607  78609  78610  78611  78613  78614  78615  78617  78619  78623  78625  78629  78631  78635  78641  78643  78649  78653  78655  78659  78665  78671  78673  78679  78683  78685  78691  78695  78701  78709  447090 

45.A.do    B.does    C.doing    D.did


It’s a Sunday morning.Lin Tao has no school today.He has breakfast and goes out.He is going to his grandfather's home.Now he is on his way there.He walks and walks.Then he comes to a river.The river is not wide.Them is a board(木板)over the river.Lin Tao walks onto the board.Suddenly he falls into the fiver.“Help ! Help!”Lin Tao is crying.But no one comes.There is no one nearby.He begins to get up.Aha.the water is not very deep.It only comes to half his legs.


44.A.to    B with    C.For    D.in

