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  37. A. going through         B. starting with             C. showing up               D. making out


  36. A. wonder                  B. reason                      C. guess                       D. question


  35. ―Maybe we could help clean Beijing Station this weekend, Lin Tao?

       ―____________. Let’s meet at the school gate at 7:00 this Saturday morning, shall we?

       A. So can I                                                      B. My pleasure

       C. Good idea                                                   D. A good decision




       I was filled with uncertainties and worries until my grandfather told me to stand tall.

       It was no    36     I wasn’t looking forward to (期待)entering ninth grade. High school is well known for being a place for serious competitions, where everyone seems to be    37    

physical changes and love self-esteem(自尊). For me,    38    was my greatest problem.

       I had always felt no confidence and out of places as one of the taller members of my class, standing a head     39     the other girls.

       My grandfather would watch me grow    40     uncomfortable, but he didn’t laugh at my self-consciousness(不自在)or try to comfort me. Instead, he would give me advice.

       “Stand straight and tall,” he’d say,     41     I unsuccessfully, tried to make myself smaller and shorter. And each time, I would carefully     42    his words. Even at age 15, I understood that his advice was about more than just inches(英寸).

       My grandfather joined the army to fight for his country when German soldiers    43    his hometown of Tarnow in Poland. “Stand straight, stand tall,” meant something else back then. After the war, he left for America.     44     in a new country, he was frightened about his future. Walking into the crowded and noisy streets of New York, “Stand straight, and stand tall,” he would tell himself.

       Thanks to the help of a     45     friend, he got a job in a jewelry(珠宝)shop on a busy street. Within months, my grandfather was selling jewelry as if he’d been doing it his whole life.

       I am so proud to be one of those children who carry on     46    family name. My grandfather’s unusual and special experiences have changed the way I think about my own life. His advice to me has become much more than a challenge to     47    my posture(姿势). It tells me to be proud of who I am.


  34. ―Few films made at home are interesting, ____________ they?

       ―But I don’t think every film from Hollywood is worth seeing, some of them are as ____________ as ours.

       A. aren’t, terrible          B. are, boring               C. are, enjoyable           D. aren’t attractive


  33. An expert says that humans _________ serious problems in the future if animals _________ well.

       A. will have, aren’t treated                                B. will have, won’t be treated

       C. have, treat                                                   D. have, will treat


  32. Don’t worry. We all know you’ve done your best, and your parents will understand you no matter ____________ result you get.

       A. who                         B. which                      C. how                         D. what


  31. ____________ you get inside my father’s room, you will see several shelves ____________ books on different subjects.

       A. Until, decorated with                                    B. Before, covered with

       C. When, full of                                               D. As, made of


  30. I went to see a doctor because I didn’t feel well these days. The doctor asked me ____________.

       A. if I had too much work every day                  B. how much sleep did I have every night

       C. how much food do I have every day               D. if I take too much exercise these days


  29. ____________ in the world is impossible if you set your mind to do it.

       A. Everything               B. Something                C. Anything                  D. Nothing


  28. Jenny was very ____________ me just because I forgot to go to her party last Friday.

       A. excited at                 B. angry with                C. afraid of                   D. sure of

