0  78714  78722  78728  78732  78738  78740  78744  78750  78752  78758  78764  78768  78770  78774  78780  78782  78788  78792  78794  78798  78800  78804  78806  78808  78809  78810  78812  78813  78814  78816  78818  78822  78824  78828  78830  78834  78840  78842  78848  78852  78854  78858  78864  78870  78872  78878  78882  78884  78890  78894  78900  78908  447090 

46.A.good         B.useful        C.dirty      D.bad


Do your parents talk to you? Are you happy in class? We hope so,but it's not always like that.Not only Chinese students have school and family problems,but also foreign kids.

The UN (联合国)studies children’s lives in the world’s 21 richest countries It found that the Netherlands(荷兰),Sweden(瑞典)and Denmark(丹麦) are the best places to grow up.Although the U.S.A and Britain are among the richest countries,they are at the bottom of the list The study looked at the lives of children in six ways.These were:the numbers of poor children;their health and safety;education;relationships with friends and family;their behavior;how happy they were with their lives

Bullying is a big problem in Britain schools.Nearly 40% of the kids in the study had been bullied The study also shows that children in Ireland and Canada take the most exercise every day.

“Lots of money does not mean a happy childhood,”says the report.The Czech Republic(捷克)is not a rich country, but its children have happier lives.


45.A.more and more  B.more or less  C.the more   D.more and less


44.A.become     B.had become   C.is becoming  D.has become


43.A.that        B.what        C.why         D.how


42.A.to eat       B.eat         C.eaten        D.ate


41.A.and        B. or         C.but          D.as well


40.A.on         B.for         C.with         D.in


39.A.paper bag   B.paper bags   C.papers bag    D.papers bags


38.A.right away  B.at times     C.for a while    D.at present


37.A.many     B.much       C.a lot          D.more

