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  40.  A. out of       B. of          C. out          D. from


  39.  A. to pay       B. pay         C. to spend     D. spend


  38.  A. any          B. little      C. few          D. many


  37.  A. at           B. to          C. from         D. upon


  36.  A. shopping     B. shops       C. shopped      D. shop


  35. If it___________ tomorrow, we won't go to the park.

       A. rains    B. will rain    C. rained      D. is raining

    It was a cold winter. Mrs. Owen wanted to do some  36  . She waited until it was Saturday,  and her husband was free. Then she took him   37  the  shops on Saturday morning. They went to   38   shops, and Mrs. Owen bought a lot of things. She asked her husband   39   for every thing and carry,(提;拿)all the bags. In the shops, she often said, "Look, my dear! Isn't that beautiful?" Her husband answered, "All right, dear. How much is it?" And then he took his money   40   to pay for it.

    It was dark when they came out of the   41   shop. Mr. Owen was tired and thinking about   42   things. He was thinking of having a nice meal   43   home when his wife looked at the sky and said, "   44    the beautiful moon, my dear!" Without thinking, Mr. Owen answered, "All right, dear. How   45   is it ?"


  34. ―I'll go to my uncle's birthday party tonight.


       A. Have a good time      B. Play well

       C. Come back early       D. Take care of yourself


  33. We were reading English____________ , the teacher came in.

       A. as       B. when        C. while      D. till


  32. I don't have any money and he doesn't have,__________.

       A. too      B. also       C. neither     D. either


  31. If you study hard, you will__________ go to college.

       A. can                B. are able to

       C. be able to           D. can able to

