0  78773  78781  78787  78791  78797  78799  78803  78809  78811  78817  78823  78827  78829  78833  78839  78841  78847  78851  78853  78857  78859  78863  78865  78867  78868  78869  78871  78872  78873  78875  78877  78881  78883  78887  78889  78893  78899  78901  78907  78911  78913  78917  78923  78929  78931  78937  78941  78943  78949  78953  78959  78967  447090 

33. Jim's never had Chinese tea,          ?

     A. isn't he      B. hadn't he      C. has he     D. hasn't he


32. --Tom likes walking in the open air.


     A. So does Brian                  B. Also is Brian

     C. Brian likes also                 D. So Brian does


31. John is          boy.

     A. a eight-year-old                B. a eight-years-old

     C. an eight-year-old               D. an eight-years-old


30. --This book is too boring.

     --          come and play football with us?

     A. Why don't                    B. Why don't you

     C. Why not you                  D. Why not to


29. --Would you like some more cakes?

     --          .I'm full.

     A. No, thanks       B. Yes, please      C. Certainly        D. I don't like


28. --May I speak to John?

     --Sorry, he          Japan. But he           in two days.

     A. has been to, will come back               B. has gone to, will be back

     C. has been in, would come back             D. has gone to, won't come back


27. --We can use QQ to talk with each other online.

     --Good! Will you please show me          it?

     A. what to use               B. how to use

     C. when to use               D. where to use


26. Peter wanted to know      

     A. when would the meeting begin            B. when the meeting would begin

     C. when will the meeting begin              D. when the meeting will begin


25. --Which do you like better, grapes         bananas?

     --I prefer grapes __   bananas.

     A. to, or        B. or, to      C. than, to     D. or, than


     A. EXIT     B. FRAGILE     C. BUSINESS HOURS   D. NO SMOKING                                                                                                                                                                      24. --How many books shall we send to the poor children in the countryside?


     A. The more, better             B. The sooner, the better

     C. The more, the better           D. More, the better

