0  78832  78840  78846  78850  78856  78858  78862  78868  78870  78876  78882  78886  78888  78892  78898  78900  78906  78910  78912  78916  78918  78922  78924  78926  78927  78928  78930  78931  78932  78934  78936  78940  78942  78946  78948  78952  78958  78960  78966  78970  78972  78976  78982  78988  78990  78996  79000  79002  79008  79012  79018  79026  447090 

(    )9.A.how often    B.how long                C.how many              D.how much


(    )8.A.look for       B.find                     C.make                     D.know


(    )7.A.call             B.ask                      C.tell                        D.talk with


(    )6.A.always         B.sometimes             C.often                     D.usually


(    )5.A.that             B.whether               C.how                       D.why


(    )4.A.friendly       B.kind                    C.just the same          D.quite different


(    )3.A.alone           B.away                   C.all over                  D.around


(    )2.A.Hardly         B.Nearly                 C.Suddenly                      D.Certainly


(    )1.A.look            B.watch                  C.feel                       D.see


10.The book is so interesting.I’m sure she _________________(fall)in love with it.


A.Of course we will.

B.Thank you.

C.Maybe I’ll become a teacher.

D.That sounds great.

E.Where do you live?

F.I’ll go back to Guangzhou.

G.Some of it will still be the same,I think.


A:What do you think of your life will be like in ten years?

B:Well,I like staying with children,l_________________.

A:Will you still live here?

B:I’m afraid not. 2_________________ My family live there.

A:Really? Well,I hope we’ll still keep in touch.。


A:So,do you think your life will be very different in the future?

B:Not really.4_________________I’ll still play chess and read books,and hang out with friends.And I’ll come back and visit you once in a while.



Everyone needs friends.We all like to    1    close to someone else.It is nice to have a friend to talk,laugh,and do things with.    2    ,sometimes we need to be alone.We don't always want people     3     .But we would fell lonely if we never had friends.

No two people are     4     .Friends sometimes don’t get on well.That doesn’t mean     5     they no longer like each other.Most of the time they will make up and become friends again.Friends     6     move away.Then we feel very sad.We miss them very much but we can     7    them and write to them.It could be that we would even see them again.And we can     8     new friends.It is surprising to find out     9     we like new people when we get to know them.

There’s better news for people who have friends.They live longer than people who don’t.Why? It could be that they are     10     .Being happy helps you stay well.Or it could be just knowing that someone cares.If someone cares about you,you take better care of yourself.

