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(    )9.What is the meaning of lung in Chinese?

A.肝                       B.肺                       C.气管                   D.心脏


(    )8.If a boy has six hours of sleep, he will ___________.

A.get his lessons better                                B.feel better

C.grow fast                                                D.feel tired


(    )7.Which is the best air for our sleep?

A.Hot air.             B.Cool air.                  C.Warm air.             D.Dry air.


(    )6.Our bodies grow most while we are ___________.

A.eating much          B.having sports          C.sleeping                 D.playing


(    )5.What will Jenny do first?

A.Buy food for the party.                          B.Call Tom.

C.Send an e-mail to Lisa.                             D.Drive to Lisa’s house.


During the day we work and play,at night We sleep.Our bodies rest while we sleep.In the morning we are ready to work and play again.While We are sleeping, our bodies grow     most.When we are tired,we need more sleep.We will get our lessons better and we will feel better,too,if we have enough rest.A nine-year-old child needs ten hours of sleep every night.Our bodies need a lot of fresh air when we sleep.If we do not get enough fresh air,we’ll feel tired when we wake up.While in bed we must not cover our heads.If we do,our lungs will not gel enough fresh air.If we open our windows at night,we can have lots of fresh air.Cool air is better than warm air.If boys and girls want to grow and be strong,they must get enough sleep.


(    )4.What’s true about the party?

A.It’s on Saturday.                                   B.All of Jenny’s friends will come.

C.People will not bring things.                            D.It will last four or five hours.


(    )3.Tom is __________ best friend.

A.Jenny’s                B.Lisa’s                  C.Ann’s           D.Jack’s


(    )2.The party begins at_________.

A.4:00 am            B.6:00 am            C.4:00 pm    D.6:00 pm



(    )1.Who sent this e--mail?

A.Jenny.              B.Tom.                 C.Lisa.                 D.Ann.

