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34.―How long   your father     the Party?

        ―For more than twenty years.

A.has;joined   B.did;join   C.has;been in    D.does;join


33.―     I take the newspaper away?

        ―No,you       .You        only read it here.

A.Must;mustn’t;must               B.May;mustn’t;can

C.Need;mustn’t;need               D.Can;needn’t;may


32.―Mummy, could you buy me a dress like this?

        ―Certainly.We can buy         one than this,but        this.

A.a better;better than                B.a worse;as good as

C.a cheaper;as good as              D.a more expensive;not as good as


31.―     more money you make,      more you spend.

A.The;the     B.The;a       C.A;a       D.A;the


30.―Where have you been,Tim?

        ―I’ve been to          

A.the Henry house            B.the Henry family

C.the Henry’s home           D.the Henry’s

