0  78851  78859  78865  78869  78875  78877  78881  78887  78889  78895  78901  78905  78907  78911  78917  78919  78925  78929  78931  78935  78937  78941  78943  78945  78946  78947  78949  78950  78951  78953  78955  78959  78961  78965  78967  78971  78977  78979  78985  78989  78991  78995  79001  79007  79009  79015  79019  79021  79027  79031  79037  79045  447090 

50. A. won't           B. don't             C. can't           D. aren't


     One day Mother Horse said to Little Horse, “You have grown big and can help Mummy now. Take this half bag of rice to Uncle Pig, will you?”“Yes, Mummy,”said Little Horse. With the bag on his back, he ran to Uncle Pig's house. Soon, he came to a river. “Is there a bridge here?”Little Horse said to himself. He looked around for help. There he saw a cow standing by the river.

      Little Horse went up to her and asked, “Aunt Cow, I have to go to Uncle Pig's house. Is there a bridge near here?”

      “No, there is not any. If you want to go to his house, you have to cross the river.”

      “Is the water very deep?”

      “No, it isn't deep. I've crossed it many times.”

      When Little Horse went near the river, Brother Cat ran up to him. He said, “Little Horse, you can't cross the river. It's very deep. You will get drowned(淹死).”What should I do? Shall I go on or shall I go back?" Little Horse thought, “I'd better go home and ask Mummy.”So Little Horse went home and told his mother the whole thing.

      Mother Horse said, “My child, both the cow and the cat were right in their own way. It won't do if you only listen to other people's ideas. You should think everything over by yourself.”

     Little Horse ran back to the river. He found that the water wasn't very deep for him. Soon he got to one other side.


49. A. must            B. may             C. have to         D. can


48. A. lend...to         B. give...back       C. keep            D. borrow…from


47. A. to trouble        B. to meet          C. to say          D. troubling


46. A. polite           B. politely          C. police          D. quietly


45. A. something       B. anything         C. everything      D. nothing


44. A. stands          B. stood            C. stand           D. standing


43. A. knocked at      B. knocking at       C. knock on        D. knock to


42. A. returned        B. return            C. returning       D. gave

