0  78866  78874  78880  78884  78890  78892  78896  78902  78904  78910  78916  78920  78922  78926  78932  78934  78940  78944  78946  78950  78952  78956  78958  78960  78961  78962  78964  78965  78966  78968  78970  78974  78976  78980  78982  78986  78992  78994  79000  79004  79006  79010  79016  79022  79024  79030  79034  79036  79042  79046  79052  79060  447090 

8. A.1 didn’t do well in history.

B.I am good at history

C.I like history best


7. A.All the students in the class went to the park.

B.Only Paul didn’t go to the park.

C.Most of the students didn’t go to the park.


6. A.Many people predicted,but they failed.

B.All the predictions came true.

C.None of the predictions came true.


(二) 听句子,选出与你所听到的在意思上最接近的选项。

