0  78895  78903  78909  78913  78919  78921  78925  78931  78933  78939  78945  78949  78951  78955  78961  78963  78969  78973  78975  78979  78981  78985  78987  78989  78990  78991  78993  78994  78995  78997  78999  79003  79005  79009  79011  79015  79021  79023  79029  79033  79035  79039  79045  79051  79053  79059  79063  79065  79071  79075  79081  79089  447090 

44.A.at      B.about     C.to        D.of


43.A.popular    B.sad    C.tired     D.surprised


42.A.parents   B.teachers   C.classmates   D.friends


41.A.busy     B.fight      C.clever     D.wrong


40.My friend has the same haircut ____________ I do

A.as    B.like    C.seem    D.looks like

Dear Victor,

Without knowing more about you,it is hard for me to give you some good advice.

But first,I am sure that you are   41   .You said that nobody would care if you left home.What about your   42   ? And other family members ? It seems that you are very    43   .You’d better go to see a doctor or talk   44   your parents.They will be able to help you.

Second,I’m sure there’s someone    45   in your class who feels lonely, too.You never know     46     other people feel.Try to make friends with your classmates.And you could    47   a club to meet new people and make friends,too.

You  48   find happiness in yourself.So my last advice is   49   a list of all the good things about yourself,learn to like yourself ,and then others will see your confidence and   50   you,too.



39.I try to eat a lot of vegetables to keep in good ____________.

A.health    B.healthy    C.healthiness    D.healthily


38.We are supposed____________ there before six.So we must get up early.

A.get    B.will get    C.getting    D.to get


37.She makes a living ____________ pictures.

A.draw    B.to draw    C.by drawing    D.with drawing


36.---Would you mind moving the desk?

---____________.I will move it right away.

A.Yes,I do    B.No,I am not    C.No,not at all    D.Of course.


35.____________ you read the text,____________ you will understand it.

A.The more;better     B.More;the better

C.The more;the better  D.More;better

