0  79043  79051  79057  79061  79067  79069  79073  79079  79081  79087  79093  79097  79099  79103  79109  79111  79117  79121  79123  79127  79129  79133  79135  79137  79138  79139  79141  79142  79143  79145  79147  79151  79153  79157  79159  79163  79169  79171  79177  79181  79183  79187  79193  79199  79201  79207  79211  79213  79219  79223  79229  79237  447090 

25. --Excuse me! Can I borrow your book?


A. Give you      B. I'm using it     C. Here are you      D. Here you are


24. June           at nine in the evening.

A. goes bed       B. go to bed    C. get up         D. goes to bed


23. The two boys are in          same class.

A. that           B. the         C. a             D./


22. Mrs. Wang teaches          English well. We all like her.

A. us           B. we          C. our           D. ours


21. --Can you draw?


A. little         B. few         C. a little         D. a few              


20. Can you help the pupils          English?

A. of           B. with          C. on            D. in                   


19. Tom doesn't like watching TV          playing basketball.

A. and          B. but          C. or             D. so             


18. She can play          chess, but not well.

A. a            B. the          C. an             D. /        


17. Mary likes romances and I like them,___________.             

A. also            B. either         C. neither      D. too


16. -- ________ do you like thrillers?

 --Because they are exciting.

A. What         B. Which          C. Why           D. What for

