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64. You do not have to pay on Mondays if you go to              

A. Skyline Hotel                       B. Lansdowne Park Shopping Center    

C. New York Museum                  D. Garden Restaurant


63. If you want to go out for lunch on Sunday, you can call up the number           

    A.2785161 or 2706030                B.2706030 or 3562367     

C.3562367 or 2785161                D.7364431 or 2785161


62. Harvey would like to                                                                                                                                                                                        A. borrow some materials               B. lend Margaret something

C. get something back                  D. return something to Margaret


61. It' s decided by          whether the football match will be put off to a late date.

A. Hensley School   B. Mayfair School   C. the weather       D. the head teachers


60. The best tide for this passage is

    A. Food in Space                      B. An Important Planet

    C. Vegetables in Space                 D. Astronauts in the Future


                                                           Wed.11 March

                             Football Match

Hensley against Mayfair

The football match once a year between Hensley School and Mayfair School will be held on Saturday. However, if there is heavy rain, the match will be held on Sunday,15, at the same time.



                                                                March 31st


I' d like to have you return any of the materials you are not using. I need to be using some of these. If you need some of the things still, please let us talk about which ones.

Thank you.



                           Garden Restaurant

Telephone: 2706030             Address: 9020 Bridgeport Road

Open: Mon. to Fri.         7: 00 a, m. - 2:30 p. m.

5:00 p. m.-9:00 p. m.        

Sat.                7:00 a. m. - 11 : 00 a. m.

5:00 p. m.-9:30 p.m.         

Sun.               11;00 a. m.-2:00 p. m.

5:00 p. m.-9:30 p.m.


New York Museum

America's largest museum in American history Telephone: 7364431

Address: Vanier Park,1100 Chestnut St. New York

Open: Mon. to Fri.9: 30 a, m. - 5: 00 p. m.        

( Monday free)

Sat.                 9:00 a. m. - 1 : 00 p. m.



                 Lansdowne Park Shopping Center

Telephone: 3562367

Address: 5300 No.3 Road

Open: Mon.,Tues. and Sat.9:30 a. m, - 5: 00 p. m.        

Wed., Thurs. and Fri.9:30 a. m.-9:30 p. m.        

Sun.11:00 a. m.-5"00 p. m.



                              Skyline Hotel

Telephone: 2785161

Address: 3031 No.3 Road ( at Sea Island Way) The Hanger Den:

Wed. to Sun.

Lunch from 10:30 a. m.

Coffee Shop:

Mon. - Fri.6:00 a. m.        

Sat      6:30 a.m. and  Sun.7:00 a.m.

Mon. - Wed.        to 10:00 p. m.

Thurs. - Sun.        to 11 : 00 p, m.


59. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?    

A. It will take the astronauts six. months to get to a planet.    

B. If we take two kilograms of apples into space, it could cost 40,000 dollars.

C. Dried food is as healthy as fresh food for astronauts in space.

    D. Astronauts will get foods that taste like meat or cheese from beans on Mars.


58. What may astronauts do in the future?

A. Take enough fresh food for their journey.     

B. Grow some fresh vegetables on Mars.

    C. Keep animals in space.

    D. Grow food on their space stations.


57. Why do the astronauts have to eat dried food?

A. Because it is safe.            B. Because it makes them happy.    

C. Because it is cheap to buy.     D. Because it is cheap to carry.     


56. The astronauts plan to go to           next.               

A. the earth         B. the moon      C. Mars              D. space


55. What is the author' s purpose of writing this article?    

A. To tel1 people not to go shopping on rainy days.    

B. To tell readers what is important in life.

    C. To show how to run through the rain.

    D. To show how important it is to keep healthy.


Astronauts have already visited the moon and lived on space stations. They' ve never been to another planet, but they might visit Mars soon. The astronauts will spend about six months traveling to the planet, then about two years on the planet and about six months traveling back to the earth. They' ll be away from the earth for about three years, so they' 11 need a lot of food !

It' s very expensive to take food into space. It costs about 120,000 dollars to carry something that weighs one kilogram. So an apple on Mars could cost 20,000 dollars! Of course, they will need to take quite a lot of food with them to feed the astronauts for three years. This amount of fresh food can not stay fresh, and is very expensive to take, so they need to find food that is not very heavy.     

At the moment, astronauts on space stations eat dried food. It's very light, so it doesn't cost a lot of money to carry it into space. But astronauts stay healthier and happier if they eat fresh food. In the future, astronauts on Mars may grow vegetables like lettuce, spinach and carrots.

Astronauts on Mars will probably have special machines. They' ll use these machines to change beans into foods that taste like meat or cheese because it won' t be possible to keep animals in space.

