0  79142  79150  79156  79160  79166  79168  79172  79178  79180  79186  79192  79196  79198  79202  79208  79210  79216  79220  79222  79226  79228  79232  79234  79236  79237  79238  79240  79241  79242  79244  79246  79250  79252  79256  79258  79262  79268  79270  79276  79280  79282  79286  79292  79298  79300  79306  79310  79312  79318  79322  79328  79336  447090 

33. I know he_________ sightseeing tomorrow.

   A. go             B. is going        C. to go           D. going


32. Bob likes to do the same things ________his father_________.

   A. like, is         B. like, does       C. as, does         D. as, is


31. _____________lovely weather!

    A. What         B. What a         C. How           D. How a


30. --- Can you go to the piano lesson with me ?

   ---_________. I have to look after my younger brother.

    A. I hope so              B. I hope not

    C. I'm afraid not           D. Excuse me


29. --- __________do you go to the cinema?

   --- Every Sunday.

    A. When        B. Why      C. How often        D. How soon


28. ---Why don't you go to the Dinosaur World?

   --- I hear there's __________in it.

    A. something new         B. anything new

    C. new nothing           D. nothing new


27. ---Must I do that work now ?

    --- No, you __________, but you must finish it before Saturday.

    A. can't       B. don't    C. don't have to   D. mustn't


26. We are ________tired because we have _________ homework.

    A. too much, much too      B. much too, too many

    C. too much, many too      D. much too, too much


20. The water in the river has colour and smell because it is getting __________.

   A. more and more

B. less and less

C. dirtier and dirtier


     Mozart was born in  21  . When he was five years old, he   22   to write music. He wrote a lot of music all his life. He was one of the most   23   musicians in the world. Everybody enjoyed his music, but nobody paid him any money. In the   24   he   25   ill and died. He was only 35 years old.


19. Most of the children __________ the boy.

   A. agreed with    B. wrote to      C. heard from

