0  79152  79160  79166  79170  79176  79178  79182  79188  79190  79196  79202  79206  79208  79212  79218  79220  79226  79230  79232  79236  79238  79242  79244  79246  79247  79248  79250  79251  79252  79254  79256  79260  79262  79266  79268  79272  79278  79280  79286  79290  79292  79296  79302  79308  79310  79316  79320  79322  79328  79332  79338  79346  447090 

30、She always _______ black or white, but today she's _______ a green skirt.

A、puts on, wears                                    B、wears, putting on

C、wears, wearing                                   D、is wearing, puts on


29、My daughter is very _______, she runs to my room to tell me the _______ news.

A、excited, exciting                                  B、exciting, excited

C、excited, excited                                   D、exciting, excited


28、Aren't the Koalas cute? Yes, _______.

A、a kind of               B、kind of                C、kinds of               D、all kinds of


27、The little boy sits _______ his father and mother.

A、listening                B、listen                  C、to listen              D、listens


26、The little boy sits _______ his father and mother.

A、across                  B、on                     C、between              D、from


25、Susan likes _______ soccer, but he doesn't _______ it well.

A、to play; plays                                      B、play; plays

C、to play; playing                                  D、playing, play


24、Please write _______ me and tell me _______ yourself.

A、for; to                 B、to; about              C、of; about              D、from; to


23、There is ____ food in the fridge(冰箱), so I must get some in the supermarket.

A、a little                 B、any                  C、many                D、little


22、He can't _______ French, so I _______ with him in English.

A、speak; talk                                          B、talk; speak

C、say; talk                                            D、speak; say


21、He is from _______.He's _______.

A、Japan, Japan                                         B、Japanese, Japanese

C、Japan, Japanese                                      D、Japanese, Japan

