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23. The foreigner spoke, ________fast ________I couldn’t follow him.

    A. so; that           B. so that; /         C. too; to            D. such; that


22. A toy car was given ________the child ________a present.

    A. to; like           B. to; as           C. for; like          D. for; as


21. Are there many inventions ________show __________the museum?

    A. on; in             B. at; in             C. on; at              D. in; on


20. What does the woman want?

A. A happier family.         B. More free time.             C. A better job.

       第一节 单项填空 (共15小题,计15分)



19. What does the woman say about her family?

   A. She always makes her family enjoy life.

B. She always enjoys being with her family.

   C. She has no time to do house work.


18. How does the woman spend the time after work?

A. Doing a lot of reading.

B. Doing a lot of housework.

    C. Doing a lot of sports.


17.What does the woman think of her job?

    A.Interesting.    B.Important.    C.Useless.


16.What does the woman talk about?

    A.Her free time.    B.Her family.    C.Her work.


15.What do they have to do before they get to the airport?

    A.To fly to Pails.    B.To see their aunt.    C.To fill some gas for their car.



14.Who will go to the airport?

    A.The man and the woman.

    B.The two speakers and their aunt.

    C.The two speakers and their brother.

