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19. The suitcase looks too heavy for the lady to carry. Let′ s go to help her, _________

A. will you         B. won′t you        C. shall we       D. do we


18. ――________ do you go shopping with your mother?

――I seldom do that.

A. How soon   B. How far    C. How often    D. How much


17. David comes from _________ European country and he is _________ honest boy.

A. an, a     B. a, an    C. the, an    D. a, the


16. Betty arrived ________ London ________ the evening of June 1st.

A. at, in     B. at, on   C. in, in   D. in, on


15. How many times should he do the work in a week?

A. Once.

B. As he likes.

C. No less than twice.

(四)请听一段电话留言,听录音两遍后,根据内容完成信息卡。(5 分)


Telephone Message

From Lisa to Jerry at  1  p. m.

Message Lisa is going to Beijing by  2  at 8:45 tomorrow morning and stay there for 3  days. The  4  are put on the  5  shelf in the reading room.

从每小题A 、B 、C 、D 中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。


14. What kind of work will the man do?

A. To look after the patients.

B. To read for the old people.

C. To chat with the old people.


13. The man is a good cook, isn′t he?

A. Yes, he is.

B. No, he isn′t.  

C. It′s hard to say.


12. What does he do on Sundays?

A. He teaches piano lessons.

B. He cleans up the streets.

C. He makes Chinese dishes.


11. What does the man like doing?

A. Playing soccer.

B. Working with kids.

C. Coaching the team.


(三)听对话,然后根据对话内容选择每个问题的正确答案,对话和问题读两遍。(5 分)

