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41. A .I                       B my                    C. me                    D. we


40. ---Could I borrow your car?

     ---________, but I need it. I ________ go to work.

     A. OK; don't                                                 B. Sorry; have to

       C. Sure" don't have to                                     D.  Sure" have to

      Sam: Martha, this is (41)._______ friend, Rita. She wants (42)_______ the music club

Martha: Great! What can you do?

Rita: Well, I can sing, play the piano and the guitar, but 1 can't read music.

Martha: Really? That's interesting. Can you come to Room Eight(43) ______ three o'clock today?

Rita: Sorry, I can't (44) ______ at three. Is four o'clock OK?

Martha: Sure, (45) ______ fine. Listen, do you want (46) ______ to a movie after music club? Sam and I want to see "Tigers (47) _______ the Park" at six o'clock.

Rita: "Tigers in the Park"? It sounds scary.

Martha: Oh, no. It's a comedy. My friend here (48)_______ like scary movies.

Rita: No, I don't.

Martha: Well, thanks. I (49) ______ comedies, but I can't go. My family (50) ______ dinner at six.


39. What is _______ you, young man?

    A. matter with         B. the matter with         C. the matters with     D. the matter to


38. --- _______ do you surf  the Internet?

     --- One a week.

      A. How                B. How often              C. How many times      D. How old


37. I usually go to school _______ bike, but I sometimes I go to school ________ foot.

    A. with; on            B. on; by                  C. on; with             D. by; on


36. It will ______ you about thirteen hours to fly to England from Hong Kong.

      A. spend              B. take                    C. use                  D. pay


35. ---Excuse me, do you know ___________?

    ---Sorry, I'm new here. Why don't you ask the man over there?

A. where the bookshop is                              B. where can I find the bookshop

C. where is the bookshop                              D. where will I buy this book


34. Paul is _______ than Mary, but he is not as ________ as Mary.

      A. funny; popular                                          B. funnier; popular

C. outgoing; calm                                         D. calmer; more outgoing


33. --- Do you know the boy named David?

    ---Yes, he is my friend.

    ---What does he look like?

    --- ________.

     A. He went to the supermarket                       B. He's short and has curly hair

     C. He is always late for school                       D. He'd like to go fishing


32. ---Sorry, I can't go to the theatre with you _______ Saturday evening, because I have _____ homework to do.

    ---It doesn't matter.

    A. /; too many         B. on; too much                 C. at; too much         D. on; too many

