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89.How many right answers did John give?

A.One.                    B.Two.                C.Three.                D.None.


Mike是一名中学生,下面是他下个星期的活动安排,请根据下表信息以Mike’s Week为题写一篇短文。






Saturday and Sunday

go to the movies

play basketball

go to the mountains

visit museums

watch a football match

stay at home and surf the Internet


88.Why did John answer in a low voice?

       A.He knew the question well.                   B.The question was easy.

       C.He wasn't sure about his answer.            D.He didn’t want to answer.


87.Thomas Edison was         .

       A.a singer                  B.a doctor           C.an inventor             D.the president


86.John lived with grandparents because         .

       A.his parents were busy working in the city      B.he had no school to go to

       C.he loved the class                           D.he didn’t study hard


85.If he worked very well, he might ______.

A.have a chance to visit Europe                B.have more newspapers

C.have chance to visit a few countries              D.have a travel in Europe and a new bike


John was seven. He lived with his grandparents in the countryside before he came to our class because his parents had to work in the city. They also had no time to take care of him. So he was a new student in our class. And he knew nothing about the things that happened in big cities. Now he was standing in the front of the classroom because Mr. Smith, the teacher, was asking John a lot of questions. But John couldn't answer any of them. Mr. Smith then decided to ask him some easier questions so that he could answer a few.

“What was Thomas Edison?” he asked.

John thought for some time and then answered in a very low voice, “A singer from America.”

“No. Thomas Edison was a great American inventor,” Mr. Smith said. He was getting a little angry now because everyone knows the great man, but he was trying not to let his students see that. Then he asked again. “Who was the first president (总统)of the United States?”

John thought for a long time, but said nothing. Mr. Smith shouted, “George Washington! ” John turned back and began to walk to his seat sadly.

“Come back!” Mr. Smith shouted. “I didn’t tell you to go back!”

“I’m sorry,” John said. “I thought you were calling the next student.”


84.Bill’s customers gave him some more money for his ______.

A.little work                                                 B.getting up so early every day

C.good service                                        D.collecting money at night

