0  86577  86585  86591  86595  86601  86603  86607  86613  86615  86621  86627  86631  86633  86637  86643  86645  86651  86655  86657  86661  86663  86667  86669  86671  86672  86673  86675  86676  86677  86679  86681  86685  86687  86691  86693  86697  86703  86705  86711  86715  86717  86721  86727  86733  86735  86741  86745  86747  86753  86757  86763  86771  447090 

37.He is a teacher _______ a doctor.

       A.rather than               B.like                     C.would like            D.prefer


36.Chinese can sing English songs as _______ as native speakers.

       A.well                        B.good                    C.better                   D.best


35._______ you ______ your brother may go to Disneyland because we only have one ticket.

       A.Not only … but also                                 B.Both … and

       C.Either … or                                             D.Neither … nor


34.They ______ Singapore for about a week.

       A.have been to            B.have gone to         C.have come to        D.have been in


33.Have you ever seen the movie?    Yes. I ______ it yesterday.

       A.have seen                B.see                      C.saw                     D.didn’t see


32.I haven’t heard from him _______ last year.

       A.when                      B.while                   C.for                      D.since


31.He wants to learn more about Chinese history, _______?

       A.don’t he                  B.doesn’t he            C.didn’t he              D.won’t he


30.He’s quite ______ math, but he never drops it.

       A.weak in                   B.good at                C.interested in         D.tired of


29.―How do you feel living in China?

―Very good. It’s quite different from _____ in other countries.

       A.\                             B.it                         C.that                     D.one


28.He spent the whole day _______ the newspapers and magazines.

       A.look                        B.read                     C.on reading            D.looking through

