0  86853  86861  86867  86871  86877  86879  86883  86889  86891  86897  86903  86907  86909  86913  86919  86921  86927  86931  86933  86937  86939  86943  86945  86947  86948  86949  86951  86952  86953  86955  86957  86961  86963  86967  86969  86973  86979  86981  86987  86991  86993  86997  87003  87009  87011  87017  87021  87023  87029  87033  87039  87047  447090 

45.A.liked            B.felt like           C.looked like         D.looked


  A taxi hit a truck.A policeman spoke to the taxi driver and the truck driver.He also spoke to Tom.He was witness(目击者).This is what they said.

TRUCK DRIVER:I was driving from the airport to Newton.A car crossed the road,so I slowed down.I did not stop.A taxi hit the back of my truck.Nobody was seriously hurt but both cars were damaged(受损害).

  TAXI DRIVER:I was driving behind a truck a few kilometers from Newton.The truck stopped suddenly.The driver did not give me a warning(警告).I was driving very slowly.I could not pass the track because there were two cars coming near from Newton.My taxi hit the truck,and some glass cut my left hand.

  TOM:I was watching the traffic about a kilometer from the airport.A truck was going to Newton.It was not going very quickly.There was a taxi about two hundred meters behind the track.It was going fast.When the truck slowed down.the taxi hit it.The taxi driver was not looking at the truck.He was out of the window at something.My friend saw the accident,too.

Tom’s friend spoke to the policeman and agreed with Tom.



44.A.a poor man       B.a rich man         C.an old man         D.a young man


43.A.To his surprising                        B.To one's surprising

    C.To one's his surprise                    D.To his surprise


42.A.went back to home                      B.wm back home

   C.were back to the sea                       D.was back the sea

