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(   )77.The undefined word “occurs” in the passage means “_______”in Chinese.

       A.发生                     B.发展                          C.消失


(   )76.From the passage we know El Nino is_______.

       A.a powerful storm     B.a place in Australia               C.a weather pattern


cost the country over$3,000,000,000.It was a reminder(提示)to Australians of how the weather

could change their lives.1



E1 Nino was stronger than usual.There Was  very little rainfall(降雨量)in eastern Australia.There  was also very little water in the rivers.The drought was at its worst in February,1983.At that time,the weather was very hot.The forests and fields were very dry.Cotton growers couldn’t plant their cotton.Sheep farmers had no grass for their animals to eat.So many of them died.Because the  forests were dry.forest fires started quickly.Some of the fires burned for a month.Many forests were  destroyed.Over 2,000 people lost their houses in the fires and 75 people died.

    The Australian drought of 1982-1983 affected thousands of people and animals.The drought


  The drought began in January,1982.E1 Nino often occurs at this time of year.But that year,


(   )75.The story tells us: "_________".

A.Only foolish (愚蠢的) people make mistakes

B.Few people make mistakes

C.People never make mistakes

D.There is no one who doesn't make mistakes


Scientists think that a weather pattern(形式)called E1 Nin6(厄尔尼诺现象)caused the drought(干旱)in Australia.E1 Nin6 causes different weather in different parts of the world.It causes a lot of rain and floods in some places.It causes droughts in other places.Droughts can badly affect people and the land.E1 Nin6 lasts about a year.

  In normal weather conditions.warm winds from South America blow from east to west across

the Pacific Ocean.The winds early storms to Australia.These storms bring rain to Australia.

    During an E1 Nin6 weather pattern.the winds change direction.They blow from west to east

across the Pacific Ocean.The storms n0 longer move across Australia.So Australia gets very little  rain during E1 Nino.


(   )74.When you make a mistake, you should_________.

A.keep quiet        B.get angry         C.be kind   D.keep your sense of humor


(   )73.When people laugh at your mistakes, you should_________.

A.not care         B.be happy          C.feel worried           D.be unhappy


(   )72.What should you do in learning English?

A.Be careful not to make any mistake.

B.Write as quickly as you can.

C.Speak English as much as you can.

D.Laugh more often.


(   )71.The writer thinks that the best way for you to learn a language is_________

A.writing              B.using it            C.listening                 D.learning grammar

