0  9547  9555  9561  9565  9571  9573  9577  9583  9585  9591  9597  9601  9603  9607  9613  9615  9621  9625  9627  9631  9633  9637  9639  9641  9642  9643  9645  9646  9647  9649  9651  9655  9657  9661  9663  9667  9673  9675  9681  9685  9687  9691  9697  9703  9705  9711  9715  9717  9723  9727  9733  9741  447090 

34.Just as Kobe Bryant said, Yao Ming has built the bridge for all of us, ____ is not only for the sport of basketball, but for the different cultures of this world.

       A.who                B.it                C.which            D.that


33.The temperature in London hit 21C yesterday, ____ for this time of year, while the normal figure is around 14C.

       A.outstanding       B.unusual           C.common         D.frequent



32.Jack was still very calm, ______ the quarrel with the boss, and greeted every person he met on the way back to his office.

       A.in spite of        B.due to             C.as a result of      D.because of


30.―I wonder if you can join us in the picnic this weekend.

       ―______, for I have too much homework to do.

       A.I have no choice                       B.I'd love to

       C.I don't like it                         D.I'm afraid not


       A.furniture         B.fortune            C.possessions         D.treasure


29.The people of Wenchuan are very brave, and they will surely _____ the problems caused by the earthquake.

       A.break down        B.keep off           C.break off          D.get through


28.Researchers from MIT, Harvard reported a study of human brains yesterday that may______ some new information for mental illnesses.

       A.create              B.provide           C.expect            D.imagine


27.―Where was it ____ the earthquake broke out yesterday ?

       ―In an Italian city.

       A.where             B.which               C.how               D.that


26.Marking "Earth Day 2009" with his plan for _____ energy.President Barack Obama on Wednesday called for energy exploration.

       A.alternative        B.traditional        C.available          D.inexpensive


25.As a matter of fact, nearly everybody in the world would like to be ____ Bill Gates is, doing ____ he is doing.

       A.where; what      B.what; that         C.that; what          D.who; that


24.They _____ of the terrible situation in Thailand, otherwise they wouldn't have gone there for sightseeing.

       A.wouldn't hear   B.didn't hear          C.haven't heard      D.don't hear

