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4、       Second Life is a three-dimensional , online world in which computer users can crate a new self and live a different life . Second Life is one of the most popular new online games called “ massively multiplayer online role playing games .” These games are also called MMOs , for short .

       But unlike the other MMOs, Second Life is not about winning or losing . Second Life technically a computer game . But people involved in it do not consider it a game because the players create everything . Second Life is more for socializing and creating communities .

       Users of Second Life are called residents . To take part , they must create an avatar or an electronic image of themselves . Second Life world , residents live different versions of themselves . They build homes , run businesses , buy and sell things , work , play , and attend school . They even have relationships and get married .

       Second Life was created in two thousand three by Linden Lab in San in San Francisco , California . Linden Lab   controls the Web site where the ever0vhanging world is being created . There are now about one million people around the  world who are active in Second Life . The number has grown quickly since the beginning of the year when there were about one hundred thousand users .

       The average age of people involved with Second Life is about thirty . However ,. Linden Lab recently created Teen Second Life for younger users . Second Life has its own economy and its own money , called Linden dollars .

       Millions of dollars are made and spent each month in Second Life Users can enter Second Life free . But they must pay for a membership if they want to own land or buy and sell goods and services .

       Recently , several major companies have become involved with Second Life . They wanted to be part of the growing business world that exists within the made-up reality . The car maker Toyota , music producer Sony BNG , and even Reuters news agency are among businesses now existing within Second Life .


64.What’s special about the game “ Second Life ”?

       A.It’s a game about losing and winning

B.It creates everything of life

C.It benefits ability of socialization and creativity

D.It is simply a popular game to kill time

65.Which is NOT true about the Game “ Second Life ”?

       A.A resident in Second Life lives a life somewhat like that of real life

B.The number of users of Second Life is ten times as large as that of  2003

C.You can’t enter Second Life until you pay for the entrance fee .

D.To own possessions , a resident has to pay to be a member of the Second Life

66.What does the underlined word “ avatar ” mean ?

       A.An instrument someone used                       B.A picture someone takes

C.An imagined identity of someone                  D.A weapon to use in Second Life

67.Which of the following statements is WRONG about Linden lab ?

       A.Linden Lab creates Second Life for both adults and the youngsters .

B.Linden Lab brings in a large sum of money from Second Life

C.Linden Lab first created Second Life for the people who are thirty years old

D.Linden Lab created Second Life specially for teenagers later .

4、64.C     65.C     66.C     67.C


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       Second Life is a three-dimensional , online world in which computer users can crate a new self and live a different life . Second Life is one of the most popular new online games called “ massively multiplayer online role playing games .” These games are also called MMOs , for short .

       But unlike the other MMOs, Second Life is not about winning or losing . Second Life technically a computer game . But people involved in it do not consider it a game because the players create everything . Second Life is more for socializing and creating communities .

       Users of Second Life are called residents . To take part , they must create an avatar or an electronic image of themselves . Second Life world , residents live different versions of themselves . They build homes , run businesses , buy and sell things , work , play , and attend school . They even have relationships and get married .

       Second Life was created in two thousand three by Linden Lab in San in San Francisco , California . Linden Lab   controls the Web site where the ever0vhanging world is being created . There are now about one million people around the  world who are active in Second Life . The number has grown quickly since the beginning of the year when there were about one hundred thousand users .

       The average age of people involved with Second Life is about thirty . However ,. Linden Lab recently created Teen Second Life for younger users . Second Life has its own economy and its own money , called Linden dollars .

       Millions of dollars are made and spent each month in Second Life Users can enter Second Life free . But they must pay for a membership if they want to own land or buy and sell goods and services .

       Recently , several major companies have become involved with Second Life . They wanted to be part of the growing business world that exists within the made-up reality . The car maker Toyota , music producer Sony BNG , and even Reuters news agency are among businesses now existing within Second Life .


64.What’s special about the game “ Second Life ”?

       A.It’s a game about losing and winning

B.It creates everything of life

C.It benefits ability of socialization and creativity

D.It is simply a popular game to kill time

65.Which is NOT true about the Game “ Second Life ”?

       A.A resident in Second Life lives a life somewhat like that of real life

B.The number of users of Second Life is ten times as large as that of  2003

C.You can’t enter Second Life until you pay for the entrance fee .

D.To own possessions , a resident has to pay to be a member of the Second Life

66.What does the underlined word “ avatar ” mean ?

       A.An instrument someone used                       B.A picture someone takes

C.An imagined identity of someone                  D.A weapon to use in Second Life

67.Which of the following statements is WRONG about Linden lab ?

       A.Linden Lab creates Second Life for both adults and the youngsters .

B.Linden Lab brings in a large sum of money from Second Life

C.Linden Lab first created Second Life for the people who are thirty years old

D.Linden Lab created Second Life specially for teenagers later .

