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How can I get to the post office?

A. By bus.
B. By a bus.  
C. In bus. 
D. On bus

科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

How can I get to the post office?
[     ]
A. By bus.
B. By a bus.  
C. In bus. 
D. On bus


科目:小学英语 来源:北京月考题 题型:听力题

(     ) 1. A. Usually I go to work by bus.    
            B. Usually I go to work on foot.     
(     ) 2. A. Wait at a yellow light.    
            B. Go at a green light.     
(     ) 3. A. How can you get to the park?  
            B. How can we get to the park?     
(     ) 4. A. It's near the post office.    
            B. It's next to the post office.     
(     ) 5. A. It's east of the cinema.    
            B. It's south of the cinema.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. Is there a zoo near here?
(     ) 2. Where is the post office?
(     ) 3. Is it far from here?
(     ) 4. How can I get to the museum?
(     ) 5. What are you going to do on Sunday?
A. I want to buy a pair of sneakers.
B. No, there isn't.
C. You can go by the No.18 bus.
D. Yes, it's very far.
E. It's next to the bank.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. What are you going to buy?
(     ) 2. When are you going to the park?
(     ) 3. What are you going to do this weekend?
(     ) 4. Are you going to the science museum next week?
(     ) 5. What is your mother going to do this afternoon?
(     ) 6. Where are you going tomorrow?
(     ) 7. Where's the cinema?
(     ) 8. How can I get to the library?
(     ) 9. How do you go to school?
(     ) 10. Does Amy go to school by bike?
A. You can take the No. 22 bus.
B. I'm going to buy a comic book.
C. Yes, I am.
D. I'm going to visit my grandparents.
E. It's near the post office.
F. Yes, she does.
G. I'm going to the park next Saturday.
H. She is going to clean the kitchen.
I. We're going to the zoo tomorrow.
J. I go to school on foot.


科目:小学英语 来源:江西省期末题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

Read and choose.(找答语,将正确答案的标号写在题前的括号内。)
(     ) 1. Where is the post office ?           
(     ) 2. How can I get there ?                
(     ) 3. Where are you going, Lily ?          
(     ) 4. What does your mother do ?           
(     ) 5. What's your hobby ?                  
(     ) 6. Does your pen pal live in Shanghai ? 
A. By bus.                          
B. She's an actress.                
C. I like dancing.                 
D. I'm going to the supermarket.   
E. No, he doesn't.                   
F. It's next to the school.     


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

1. —Where is the post office?  —It is near             .
[     ]
A. the hospital    
B. the school    
C. the Science Museum
2. Turn             at the traffic light.
[     ]
A. left    
B. north    
C. right
3. You can              the No.7 bus.
[     ]
A. take    
B. by    
C. sit
4. How can I             the bookstore?
[     ]
A. go to    
B. get    
C. get to


科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:听力题

1. How do you go to school, Amy? 
[     ]
A. By bus.     
B. On foot.     
C. By car.
2. How can I get to the Nature Park?
[     ]
A. You can go by the No. 11 bus.     
B. You can go by the No. 9 bus.     
C. You can go by the No. 12 bus.  
3. Where is the post office?
[     ]
A. It is near the zoo.                 
B. It is in front of the shop.                 
C. It is behind the bookstore. 
4. What are you going to have for your breakfast?
[     ]
A. I am going to have an egg and some milk.
B. I am going to have a cake and some tomatoes. 
C. I am going to have a pancake and some Coke.


科目:小学英语 来源:湖南省小考真题 题型:听力题

(     ) 1. A. The basketball is heavier than the football.
    B. The football is heavier than the basketball.
    C. The football is smaller than the basketball.
(     ) 2. A. John went fishing in the park last week.
    B. John went swimming in the lake last week.
    C. John went swimming in the park last week.
(     ) 3. A. I bought a present for my dad on my holiday.
    B. I bought a dress for my mom on my holiday.
    C. I bought a present for my mom on my holiday.
(     ) 4. A. I usually go to school on foot, because it's near.
    B. I usually go to school by bus, because it's far.
    C. I usually walk to school, because it's near.
(     ) 5. A. How can I get to the post office, please?
    B. How can I get to the cinema, please?
    C. How can I get to the hospital, please?


科目:小学英语 来源:创展新课程·学英语 六年级上册(配人教PEP版) 人教PEP版 题型:001



Dear Mark.Now let me tell you how to get to the ________.Tale a No.2bus near our school and get off at the________.________ ________ on and ________ ________ at the first ________ lights.________ you can see a big building on the ________.That's it.________ remember and come on time.


1.A.Today is my birthday.

B.I'm twelve years old.

C.My birthday is on Saturday.

2.A.You can walk to the hospital at the cinema.

B.Take a No.1 bus from the hospital, then you can get to the cinema.

C.The cinema is far from the hospital.

3.A.There is a hospital and a library on the map.

B.The post office is to the east of the library.

C.The post office is big and new.

4.A.I can go to the park on foot.

B.The post office is to the south of the park.

C.You can go to the post office by bus.

5.A.You can't go to my home by bus.It's too far.

B.My house is a white building.

C.There is a bus stop near my home.

6.A.I want to go to the shoe store after school.

B.I want to go to the bookstore after school.

C.I can go to the bookstore after school by myself.


The fat cat has a big bag.It's on its head.There are seven pens and a pencil in it.We can't catch the cat.It's very heavy and sad.

[-]head ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

[$]fat________ ________ ________ ________ ________


